Contributing Author

Kendra Randall

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Our Mission

Changing Her Story by Expanding Her Vision

Our Founder

Kendra Randall Jolivet, Esq.
Founder and COO

Kendra Randall Jolivet, Esquire is an Attorney, Entrepreneur, Professor, Author, Producer, and Community Servant who has devoted her life to advocacy and empowerment of women and children. As an attorney, Kendra has garnered success in civil litigation, family law, child welfare, and ethics for attorneys and judges. She was the Project Manager for her prior law firm’s multi-million dollar government contracts.

In 2008, Kendra co-founded A Step Closer Foundation, Inc. (ASCF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, whose mission is to take children a step closer to their destiny. Kendra is the visionary for She Matters, an initiative of ASCF, which hosts life-changing programs that develop, inspire and showcase female accomplishments, including conferences, award ceremonies, summits and business/leadership camps; thousands have been impacted by attending She Matters events. In addition to She Matters, ASCF has impacted thousands of young men’s lives through the He Matters: Power of One Program. ASCF also has initiatives to assist foster children, including holiday parties and Trash Bags to Travel Bags.

Kendra’s current focus is developing positive television programs for girls and women through her company, Her Communications, LLC and branding TV for Girls. Kendra has received numerous awards as well as local and national media coverage for her work and community service.

Producing Positive Programs Productively

Our Services


2219 Maryland Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21218

Phone: (410) 705-6318